Call for Virtual Assistants for Email Marketing Campaigns

Email has an ability many channels don’t. It can give you some needed personal touch, at a larger scale with less monetary investment in it.

Every company needs some good old email marketing —the old-fashioned and the may-seem-obsolete sort, but still incredibly works.

With the digital marketing revolution paving the way for modern vending strategies, there have been so many marketing channels to tap into like social media and SEO. Thus, leaving one to wonder “Does email marketing still work?

Yes, it does.

Despite the buzzier digital marketing landscape of today, email marketing is still one of the top marketing channels. Why?

Drawing on a statistical fact; there are over 4 billion email users around the world, that’s like half of the global population. This means that there are still so many people who prefer emails to any other form of business communication.

So, if you want to be able to stay on top of your email marketing and have it all, you need to work smart and take advantage.

That said, hiring a virtual assistant for email marketing campaigns gets you closer to your goals. With an experienced remote worker, you can unlock potential and cut some heavy stress from running the show by yourself.

In this article, we’ll tell you how a virtual assistant can assist entrepreneurs in managing email marketing campaigns, so let’s get into it!

Do Virtual Assistants Do Marketing?


Virtual assistants are trained professionals who can offer many business-related activities; taking in different job titles in the remote world, namely, LinkedIn virtual assistant and multilingual virtual assistant.

But among other things, a virtual assistant makes a strong virtual sidekick in marketing. So, if you want your marketing campaigns to be carried out effectively, working with a digital marketing virtual assistant is always the best option.

What Is Digital Marketing Virtual Assistant?

A digital marketing VA handles all aspects of your digital marketing; online advertising that includes social media marketing and of course, email marketing.

An experienced VA works like a typical marketing professional but does it remotely.

What is Email Marketing? And Why Is It Important?

Email has an ability many channels don’t. It can give you some needed personal touch, at a larger scale with less monetary investment in it.

Email Marketing is a digital marketing tool that uses email to promote a service/product by sending out marketing messages to prospects and customers.

By creating strong email marketing campaigns, you can seriously step up your company’s game.

Here are the 5 ways email marketing can help your business.

  • Brand Awareness

    Nah, there are other ways you can raise your brand’s awareness. Email marketing can amplify interest in your business, at a better level because you’re in possession of your prospects’ email addresses.

    Emails can be simple; a virtual assistant pitch example may go like this: “We’re excited to share with you an update on our company.” So long as you give them something worth reading, they’ll tag along and engage.

    You can send out emails in a timely order, so you are on top of your target audience’s heads. Be careful though, you don’t want a hard sell, keep the brand awareness factor at every point.

  • People Prefer Emails.

    Over 4 billion people in the world are email users, and 91% of consumers use email. On top of that, it is specifically big in B2B, accounting for around 73% of businesses.

    Yes, those numbers should be enough to convince you of the power of emails.

  • Affordable

    So, we mentioned that email has a larger scale reach, tagged at a lower price. How is this even possible?

    The cost of a conversation via email is just so low. For example, MailChimp allows you to send 12,000 emails for free. Plus, they also offer promotions and subscription services for high-volume senders.

  • Easy to Measure

    Once you’ve sent out your emails, the email marketing tools that are available online are built with the ability to track progress,

    Therefore, you can read the delivery rates, click-through rates and open rates, giving you a clear picture of how your email campaigns are doing, and which part is in need of tweaking.

  • Targeted Messaging

    All potential customers are in varying phases of the buying cycle. So, dividing customers into email marketing lists gives entrepreneurs and business owners a clear idea of what type of content to create in every stage for effective targeting.

    Pushing the right message to customers gets them to the sales funnel efficiently.

Virtual Assistants for Email Marketing Campaigns

Marketing is not hard to learn, rather it takes effort and persistence to make it work. Choosing to hire virtual assistants for email marketing campaigns can assist you in making sure you see the fruits of your labor.

Check out what marketing tasks you can outsource to your virtual assistant.

  • Content Creation

    Yes, email marketing is filled with lots of writing. Albeit, good content is not rocket science, it requires some skills and natural talent too. This is where a virtual assistant comes in, enhancing readability and getting the conversions you need.

    Just give your remote talent some sense of direction, and they’ll take it from there.

  • Design Creation

    Apart from content writing being a strong factor, layout design is also a crucial aspect of email marketing. The aesthetics must be good enough to draw people in.

    Using virtual assistant email templates will make a strong impact on your campaigns. And if you want to push your marketing plan for more, you can make do with a virtual assistant outreach template.

    Now, you can refine a template into several outreach situations and send hundreds of emails on short notice, all without sounding robotic.

  • Scheduling

    Current or potential, scheduling helps you get in touch with customers on a regular basis.

    While scheduling is a straightforward operation for an email marketing VA and even for virtual receptionists for therapists, it still takes time. Hiring a remote worker can quicken the pace of this process by using scheduling tools to integrate into your email box.

    These virtual allies can compose emails, and then set the delivery time, making sure these promotions get to their destination even when you’re not online.

  • Automation

    Have we told you that virtual assistants are great at automating processes?

    Automating follow-ups and certain messages can help reduce the time and effort consumed for tracing every email that was sent out.

  • Performance Tracking

    Remind us again why we need to track performance? Oh, to calibrate campaigns, and have an insight on how successful each email is.

    In this aspect, an email marketing virtual assistant can help plenty. They can move through all the engagement performance numbers; click-throughs, open rates and more. They can even come up with crafty ideas to boost campaigns.

    Virtual assistants prepare reports that detail all the information you need; what areas are working and could be stretched. With them, not only will you save time and energy, you get to have some mental calmness, having someone managing everything for you.

    In a nutshell, VAs for email marketing campaigns are an invaluable addition to your marketing team.

  • Segmentation

    Left for a while and emails can easily pile up into a mountain of unorganized matter. Worry not, because a virtual assistant can help you manage that highland of havoc.

    No matter what business size, VAs can divide and segment your email list using tags and segments, based on your set criteria.

    In this way, every entrepreneur can send out targeted promotions/email campaigns, depending on several factors like interest, gender or behavior.

    Remember, the smaller the segment, the more cosseted it becomes— allowing you to cater to each individual segment with the promise of enticing more customers.

What Does a Virtual Assistant Do With Email Management?

An email management virtual assistant can help manage your email marketing by creating content, sorting out emails, segmenting contacts, automating campaigns, tracking performance, designing templates and so much more.

Of course, only an experienced and skilled virtual assistant can handle all these tasks. They’re packed with knowledge of the trendiest email marketing tools in the market. They can utilize the best and most effective techniques to achieve your goals, including adjusting campaigns to help you determine which areas to improve.

Moreover, with remote workers setting the tone, there are fewer errors and more targeted campaigns, ensuring a higher success rate and better return on investment.

By managing the secondary work for you, your virtual assistant saves you time and money.

Boost Your Email Marketing Campaigns with a Virtual Assistant

With the digital world fast accelerating, it’s easier for companies to fall behind. But by employing an experienced professional, you can make a strong case online.

So, if you want, time-saving, cost-effective, efficient, flexible, 24-hour service and world-class talent, try virtual assistant.

At the end of the day, it’s all about being relevant. Thus, if you want to meet expectations, you need skilled virtual assistants for email marketing campaigns, no exception.