The Key to Smooth Operation; Real Estate Virtual Assistant

Economical and productive, a real estate virtual assistant is a professional who takes care of your menial activities, while you go out hitting the core ones!

Despite the earning potential, a career in real estate is not easy.

There are tons of things to do to be successful in this industry, like drumming up business with promotional campaigns, lead tracking, complex paperwork and building relationships.

Yes, things might’ve been manageable at first, but now that you’re dealing with 3-5 transactions per month, and closing out yearly deals of around 40, the cracks are starting to surface.

And before you know it, you’re missing out on family events, burning out with 60 hours a week.

Flash news —you need not plug away in the office, what you need is an awesome offshore sidekick; a real estate virtual assistant who can shoulder the menial workload while you kick off and build your client base.

So, how do you go about this venture? Is a virtual assistant for real estate investors worth the money? How can you maximize your real estate VA? Read on and you’ll find out all the answers to these questions.

What is a Real Estate Virtual Assistant?

Think about a real estate virtual assistant as a remote professional who handles a variety of business-related tasks like cold calling, marketing, bookkeeping, lead generation and database management.

As your virtual ally, they run the show in the background, so you can focus on high-value tasks. They are skilled and experienced in collaborating with small or large organizations, working either part-time or full-time, depending on your needs.

What Does a Virtual Real Estate Assistant Do?

As mentioned, there are many tasks you can outsource to your real estate virtual assistant.

After all, their job is to make your life easier by unburdening you of the repetitive daily activities that consume so much of your time.

But for your online aide to function effectively, you should first, be mindful of all the different chores you can delegate.

To get the core things done without wasting too much time and money, here’s the real estate assistant task list to entrust to your real estate VA.

  • Research

    To stay ahead of the competition, you must know the market.

    And to know the market, you must keep up with current financial rates, pricing comparisons, taxes, and economic trends on a regular basis.

    However, as a busy agent, will you have the time to do all that?

    To get new and valuable information on the things you must know from your go-to sources right at your fingertips, you need a real estate virtual assistant to take over the process of researching.

    Research identifies threats and opportunities, helping you make important decisions to beat out the competition.

  • Calendar Management

    The calendar of a real estate agent is rather dotted with various activities that involve meeting with clients and looking at properties —all of which take a huge chunk of time.

    With a packed schedule, it’s easier to miss events and do booking mistakes. If you’re running a business though, you can’t afford to do either.

    That is why, you should hire a real estate virtual assistant to ensure a smooth sailing operation from the beginning down to the final walkthrough.

  • Bookkeeping

    Real estate agents handle exhausting financial records.

    There are different accounts you need to touch, payment settings to get acquainted with and expenses to track.

    Thankfully, a real estate virtual assistant can help you deal with all the financial particulars and even more so, prevent you from paying penalties and unnecessary services from late payments or continuing subscriptions you never used.

  • Marketing

    Yes, marketing is a pivotal piece of making it big in the real estate business.

    Why? Because it’s important in generating leads, you know, attracting customers and sellers to network.

    So, for your marketing ventures that involve social media postings, listing and preparation of marketing materials and acting like a cold calling virtual assistant; a real estate virtual assistant can be a fantastic promotional saver.

  • Data Entry

    Okay, your real estate virtual assistant isn’t really going to do the talking to your clients, since they’re not exactly licensed agents to accomplish such a task.

    What these virtual amigos can support you with is the basic stuff like entering numbers into the electronic spreadsheet, and gathering and validating data.

    They can even act as your transcription virtual assistant, transcribing phone recordings, and doing desk assignments that are tedious but necessary to keep things organized and updated.

  • Website Update

    After they serve their initial purpose, websites are long ignored and forgotten.

    The problem is, no one seems to have the time to update their websites anymore nor do they have the energy to do it full-time, thinking it’s not really integral to the business.

    Wrong! A website is ideal because it’s a reflection of your organization. Thus, it needs attention.

    Right now, the best person for the job is a real estate VA, highly economical and equipped with the necessary skills to enhance your visual presence and increase traffic.

  • Customer Service

    Real estate is a people’s business. The better you are at building relationships, the higher the probability of you attracting and closing deals and earning big money!

    So, for every transaction, it’s part of the job to make the client feel comfortable and cared for.

    In this area, a real estate virtual assistant is a great investment. They will always ensure that inquiries are resolved and support is instantly given, leaving you with excellent customer service.

Take a Step Further with Real Estate Virtual Assistant Tools

There are three important reasons why hiring a real estate virtual assistant is worth your while; money, accessibility and flexibility.

However, you can take things up a notch by incorporating virtual assistants with different management software to make the work more effective and manageable.

Explore these online tools, create the best real estate virtual assistant and accomplish your real estate workload faster with an inch-perfect pass.

  • Real Estate CRM

    Real Estate Customer Relationship Management is a must-have tool for all realtors; a system that will be very handy for a real estate VA to retain and maintain data.

    It works as a database for all contacts, appointments and all sorts of customer communication relation details. But most importantly, it manages relationships among buyers, sellers, agents, brokers and financial institutions, catering to real estate requirements.

  • Project Management Tools

    Project management tools like Trello or Podio can be used by a real estate virtual assistant to plan out activities and projects pertaining to the real estate world.

    It’s a multi-tasking facility that is workable to fast-track projects held at time-constraint and to collaborate effectively.

  • Real Estate Transaction Software

    Since being a real estate agent means having to touch accounts every now and then; a real estate virtual assistant needs some real estate transaction software to manage and boost transactions.

    Platforms like Airbnb or Vrbo are new ways in increasing cash flows by working with realtors in making and managing accounts favorably; recording, organizing and analyzing your financials every step of the way.

The Special Sauce That Impacts Success!

Outsourcing is like going cheap without forgoing productivity. And a virtual assistant is the perfect embodiment of why outsourcing is such a popular service to consider.

With every industry jumping on board with this trend, real estate agents are finally taking a page from this practical back-office maneuver to realize their bottom lines.

So, should you brave the competition and hire a real estate virtual assistant? Yes, you must, and you should!
