DevOps Outsourcing in 2024: What You Need to Know?

What You Need to Know?

Should you work with a DevOps vendor? Is it a good idea when you have engineers lining up for a position at your company?

When you think about the hardships of building and maintaining your own in-house DevOps team, DevOps outsourcing is like a silver lining in the cloud. It makes sense, especially for a fledgling entrepreneur such as yourself.

From WhatsApp to Nokia, there are so many successful communication platforms out there that are relying on outsourcing third-party providers.

And why not? Partnering with a trustworthy DevOps vendor offers so many amazing benefits, and staying cost-effective is just one of them.

Just in time before the Lunar New Year, let’s dive into everything you need to know about DevOps outsourcing, what is meant by outsourcing, as well as the important reasons why it is a good choice for your business.

What Is DevOps in Simple Words?

If you’re not catching up on what DevOps is all about, in simple words, it’s an integration of operations and development. It’s a software engineering methodology with the main goal of speeding up the development of new products and streamlining the maintenance of existing ones by sharing responsibilities and fostering a culture of collaboration.

DevOps comes with the utilization of techniques, tools and practices to reduce the software development life cycle, promoting continuous measuring and improvement.

What is DevOps Outsourcing?

DevOps outsourcing is a business practice where you hire outside DevOps specialists to create and integrate unique DevOps solutions for each of your projects.

In short, it’s a shifting of DevOps processes within the organization to an external provider.

  • What Does it Mean When Something Is Outsourced?

    What do busy people have in common? Outsourcing, which means procuring from external sources. The function of outsourcing is to have more work done without needing to grow your in-house team.

  • What is Project Outsourcing?

    Project management refers to hiring external project managers to handle the tasks of project management. This includes acquiring virtual assistant services.

How Does DevOps Outsourcing Work?

DevOps outsourcing is a little bit different from the usual outsourcing you’re used to. For one, it is a much wider and equivocal concept, wherein results can be weighed in terms of the impact on your bottom line. Also, there is no specific solution that works for everyone.

Therefore, choosing the right partner to get started is your priority in ensuring smooth and effective DevOps outsourcing.

On that note, below is a step-by-step process to make sure outsourcing DevOps turns out to be a successful business initiative.

  • Define DevOps Goals

    Make a list of goals you want to achieve via DevOps outsourcing. In this way, it will become easier for you to choose the right experts to partner with while also giving them an idea of the kind of work they’re about to embark on.

  • Choose the DevOps Service You Need

    When choosing the right DevOps outsourcing services, you must first thoroughly assess their service, efficiency in communication, pricing and overall success rate. This is essential to help you determine the quality of service you’re getting.

    But most importantly, your DevOps expert provider must work well with your software development team.

  • Assess Risks

    Taking risks is part of business, and DevOps outsourcing will expose you to a series of them. However, you can avoid them if you consider sharing information with your DevOps provider, discuss the vision of your plans and make the necessary access restrictions.

  • Ensure Effective Communication

    Communication is essential in maintaining efficiency and productivity. That’s why it’s necessary to create a working environment of transparency with constant means of communication.

    This way you can keep everyone on the same page and avoid any miscommunication. So, make sure all parties involved know what to do and who to talk to in times of crisis.

  • Make Decision Not Purely Based on the Budget

    Don’t get us wrong, pricing dictates the right choice for your outsourcing needs. However, high rates don’t instantly mean top-notch service. Above all else, you should look into their expertise and how they solve issues. Some companies can offer affordable rates with discounts so pay attention to that.

  • Formalize Outsourcing with a Contract

    After you’ve made up your mind about your DevOps vendor provider, you need to make it official with a contract. There are two kinds of contract that you can leverage: an open contract and a closed contract

    Open Scope

    This contract offers more flexibility and freedom. However, when it comes to costs and deadlines, it’s also vaguer. There is no pre-determined workload so either party can always make changes on a case-to-case basis. You present a problem and the solution will be decided by your DevOps provider.

    Closed Contract

    In comparison, a closed contract is more defined in terms of deadlines, costs, and workload. It’s closed to alterations, meaning you can’t make changes during the project. Despite this, you still have immense freedom over the services you get and how much to pay, so you don’t ever go beyond your budget.

What Is an Example of a DevOps?

Let’s take a look at the DevOps success story of the giant streaming company Netflix. Their adoption of DevOps practices helped them scale faster without compromising their level of service. With continuous deployment, they’re able to speed up their software delivery speed.

They also developed this unique tool called the “Simian Army” which tests the security and resilience of its web services, identifying issues and resolving system failures.

What Are the Benefits of DevOps Outsourcing?

If you’re still questioning whether DevOps outsourcing has a place in the sun, perhaps the following benefits will help you with your future choice.

  • Focus on Core Functions

    Say your company doesn’t specialize in DevOps operations, outsourcing experts will give you more focus on the core business functions. To save you all the effort of raising and managing a DevOps team by yourself, you can just outsource from a talented pool.

  • Immediate Wide Access to Talent Pool

    You’ll be surprised to know that hiring DevOps is quite expensive, and the more experienced your specialist means more zeros in the paycheck. Not to mention, the fierce competition you’ll be in, acquiring these talents.

    When you use a DevOps provider, you don’t need to burden yourself with hiring, since such companies have different specialists with the skills ready to serve your project needs.

  • Reduced Risks

    Worried about the financial risks? By partnering with an outsourcing company, you’ll be ridding yourself of the need to rent an office or buy equipment and software licenses.

    Outsourcing means outsourcing the entire service to another while you focus on other important aspects of your company.

  • More Efficient

    Outsource DevOps vendors are loaded—from the latest techs down to excellent personnel. They can introduce modern tools and practices to enhance your internal processes and delivery speed, gaining you a competitive edge against more established competitors.

  • Expertise at an Economical Price

    Who doesn’t want expertise at an affordable price? Nobody!

    DevOps outsourcing is a more cost-effective solution. You see, software engineers are quite pricey to hire, so hiring them as part of your in-house team is not smart for a startup. There’s also a short supply of these experts since it’s a fairly new profession, so you may have a hard time filling this position on time.

Is DevOps Outsourcing Right for You?

When to use outsourcing? As far as DevOps is concerned, it will do you good if you take in several factors when DevOps outsourcing may be the way forward for your company.

  • Little Access to Full-Time Workers

    If you’re a startup with fewer employees, it’s a lot better to outsource people than build your in-house DevOps team.

  • It’s easier to integrate DevOps into your company culture.

    If you have a culture that resonates with DevOps, integrating a DevOps provider becomes an asset.

  • Your software architecture is not an essential market differentiator, and your company doesn’t depend on the mechanics of delivery.

    If the delivery mechanism is not a huge part of your operation, you’re better off outsourcing your DevOps.

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Wrapping Up!

Due to non-stop improvement, DevOps exists, a principle of increasing agility and reducing waste time and costs. Businesses must learn to keep up with the endless cycle of innovation and adapt to constant changes to stay in the game.

Creating your own DevOps team is inefficient. Rather than investing in one, you can contract with a third-party DevOps provider.

Here at VAV Remote, we provide reliable service, allowing you to be transparent with customers and efficient in monitoring daily system operations.

How do we do that? Book a consultation today and we’ll show you the way.