Will Business Administration Be Replaced by AI?

Will business administration be replaced by AI? Umm, not likely. And here are the reasons why we think real people are still useful in the workplace.

Will business administration be replaced by AI? They say that plenty of tasks in the workplace are going to be obsolete, regardless of industry. You know, with jobs being exposed to automation and all, the argument that you could lose your job to the most popular AI virtual assistants is becoming louder and scarier.

Throughout history, fears of new technology have long since haunted our future—from making people lazy to destroying life. We often argue that the old ways are deemed the best. Right now, AI is the latest tech raising the same concern.

It’s natural to be wary, but entrepreneurs shouldn’t let distrust or fear stop them from exploring the capacities of AI. Sure, it will augment jobs, but that doesn’t mean it will make your job disappear.

Let’s talk about the impact of AI in the admin aspect of your company and why working with real people, specifically virtual assistants, is still useful to raise productivity substantially.

What Job Is Most Likely to Be Replaced by AI?

Unless you’re living under a rock, you have heard of artificial intelligence and its amazing automation powers. Perhaps you’re even one of millions worried that your job is going to be stolen by a robot.

We hate to break it to you, but “yes,” AI is advancing at a crazy speed and many jobs are at risk of being handled by smart machines instead of you in the not-so-distant future.

  • Administrative

    Calling all the secretaries, clerks, admin assistants and all those people who handle routine tasks; your job is the primary target for AI. Many companies are already using these tools to automate repetitive admin chores like scheduling, filing paperwork and managing itineraries.

  • Customer Service

    AI chatbots are giving human customer service agents a run for their money. Voice assistants are getting better at handling customer queries and resolving simple requests, delivering quicker replies at a round-the-clock service.

  • Sales and Marketing

    According to the LinkedIn State of Sales report for 2020, about 72% of sales representatives acknowledge that intelligent software is pivotal for closing deals, and 61% of them utilize CRM tools.

    Apart from automating repetitive tasks like lead scoring, forecasting user behavior and suggesting important sales talking points are also within the capabilities of AI. Bots in sales simply make a salesperson more effective and productive.

  • Engineering

    Today, design is processed with the aid of computers, specifically AI. With these chatbots, you can brainstorm ideas, generate parameters and detect errors and other engineering inconsistencies.

    Moreover, AI algorithms can help you determine potential glitches in the design process early on by means of analyzing data. This way, you can avoid costly flaws.

  • Warehousing

    Yes, even warehouse workers are not spared from bots coming after their jobs. From sorters to movers, automation is already wielding its powers in distribution centers. These bots don’t tire and hardly make mistakes, so there’s that too.

Will AI Replace Admins?

Artificial intelligence will have a significant impact on the administrative aspects of companies. But will it replace executive assistants?

NO. Just because a job is bound for automation, doesn’t necessarily mean human clerks are going away. It might simply suggest that some admin tasks are to be automated.

AI can automate routine tasks such as calendar management and document filing, which will free up more time for admin team members to focus on more high-value activities.

Many intelligent software are already being leveraged in the administrative field. Why? From writing documents to analyzing data, this smart software can do more work in less time while providing you with valuable insights to make data-driven decisions.

But even though ChatGPT, Clara and Google Assistant can do all that stuff, they still can’t replace the experience and human intelligence that human admins possess. Real people are still badly needed to handle complex situations and create solutions through their understanding and innovativeness.

Will Managers Be Replaced by AI?

NO. Just like AIs can’t replace human admin staff, they also can’t replace managers. On the contrary, what AI can do is make managers work smarter and faster.

In their daily adventures in the office, bots can support managers with tasks like monitoring and data management, giving them more hours to get to their priorities instead of wasting time on menial chores. Through this, managers can concentrate on their core tasks and be more creative in building great products.

The job of a manager is to get people to do things. This task often fails in execution, because, at times, it is a challenge to involve and pay attention to large groups of people.

Here, AI can work wonders, as it can enable connectivity and engagement involving hundreds of people in a discussion forum. There are AI tools that can take meeting notes in real-time and draft strategies that might’ve escaped everyone’s attention.

Then again, there are important jobs of a manager that AI will have a hard time deciphering, like training new employees. Since machines run with data, the chances are that if they train new workers, they may become too rational without the initiative to spot opportunities.

In short, AIs can be great workers, but not good enough to shove a good manager who understands human emotions to the curb. So, there is no way that managers will be displaced by AI.

Will MBA Jobs Be Replaced by AI?

While it’s easy to imagine AIs performing HR tasks rather than humans, there are certain human interactions that AI cannot carry out.

Yes, AI has the power to potentially disrupt or enhance MBA jobs. These platforms can provide personalized learning, provide real-time feedback, and process large amounts of data. And as it continues to evolve, it can revolutionize business operations.

So, there’s little doubt that the emergence of these technologies will spark concerns about machines pushing humans aside in the business management field. However, rather than replacing them, chatbots will only reshape business and produce new skill sets.

Work with AI, Not Against It!

Instead of constantly fighting the AI system and downplaying its capabilities, you could get used to the idea and team up with it.

AIs are lightning-quick and precise, but let’s face it: AI has flaws and lacks the human touch.

That’s why you still need real people to man your company’s daily admin work. In that case, why not do it with a remote assistant?

You can delegate many tasks to a virtual assistant. Plus, they are the most cost-effective solution to complement AI powers.

Here’s how it could change the way you work if you choose to augment human capabilities (a virtual assistant) with AI rather than replace them.

  • Automation

    As you already know, AI can automate tasks. In turn, your virtual assistant will have more time to do higher-level activities and simply do more work in less time.

  • Better Information Analysis

    AI can help your virtual assistant gather and analyze data in a flash.

  • Proactive Informed-Decisions

    AI can predict needs and recommend solutions based on behavioral patterns. This means it can provide insights that can be used to make well-informed decisions.

  • Effective Communication

    There are tons of AIs that your virtual assistant can utilize to communicate more effectively. These tools can do more than just interact with a large number of people in varying time zones; they can also translate languages and transcribe conversations.

    But although AI can facilitate all of these, human skills are still crucial to ensuring quality business administration.

    Sure, AI can do many things, but it CANNOT…

  • Replace human experience. First of all, bots don’t have experience; thus, they’re incapable of human judgment. You still need a human virtual assistant who can read complex situations and make solutions using their creative thinking skills and emotional intelligence.
  • Build relationships or understand emotions in the same way a real person does. You still need a remote assistant to manage and establish a rapport with your clients. You can’t expect a bot that doesn’t have emotional needs to be able to understand and respond in a more personal way.
  • Adapt to unforeseen situations. AIs are great at following the guidelines. Yet, you still need a professional remote assistant who has the experience and decision-making ability to deal with ambiguous challenges.


Will business administration be replaced by AI?

No one can predict the future, but there’s no doubt that AI could potentially impact millions of jobs, including the administrative field. But just remember that for every job eliminated by new technologies, more are created.

Artificial intelligence is more valuable when it’s used to complement human capabilities. By combining human virtual assistants and AIs, you can work on your business goals with better accuracy rates.

Start chasing your dreams with AI for small business.