Why Modern-Day Entrepreneurs NEED Remote Workers

Employing remote workers is a trend that’s never going away. As to why entrepreneurs are shifting towards remote work, it has serious benefits for growth.

In business, there are always new practices emerging that will help streamline your operations and boost your potential.

And, as a modern-day entrepreneur, you have to be on the lookout for those new trends popping up to save your company resources (time and money) and increase productivity.

Right now, what’s on the rise is remote work—though it’s nothing new. It existed pretty much at the same time the internet was born.

According to an Owl Lab study, the number of remote workers has tripled between 2019 and 2021, embracing 27.6 million people around the world and counting. These figures tell us two things: remote workers are here to stay, and they are obviously onto something if businesses are employing them non-stop.

Now, if you’re wondering what is that “something” that makes this dynamic working arrangement tick, we’ll help you figure it out through this blog post.

So, buckle up, because we’ll be diving into the reasons why running your business from anywhere is truly impressive for entrepreneurs (like you) who are always on the move.

What Exactly Is a Remote Worker?

If you are working outside the usual office space set by your employer, you can call yourself a remote worker.

Remote workers are contractual employees who work from anywhere. They offer administrative support to entrepreneurs and professionals, either full-time or part-time.

Basically, these virtual assistants handle the tasks that a typical executive assistant does, such as answering phone calls and emails, scheduling appointments and making travel arrangements.

Remote workers are employed by many organizations, regardless of size, across industries.

What Is an Example of a Remote Worker?

Some examples of remote workers include the following:

  • Social Media Virtual Assistant
  • Virtual Secretary
  • Customer Service Virtual Assistant

In a remote working arrangement, the employee does not go to or travel to a physical central workplace, which is the case for these virtual assistants. They hail from all over the world, offering assistance to companies and freeing up your time in the process to do high-value projects.

Want to know more about virtual assistant services? Check out our blog post on the types of virtual assistant services.

What Is Another Word for Remote Work?

The term “remote work” has several synonyms. This phrase is also referred to as telecommuting, virtual jobs, distributed work and home-based jobs. Nevertheless, remote work is a job that is done from anywhere, outside the traditional office.

Does remote mean from home?

Technically, NO.

Remote work means working from anywhere other than the physical office that a typical 9-to-5 office employee goes to.

This means rather than going to a company’s building and meeting all your co-workers face-to-face, you get to work from a café, the park and your home using digital tools to collaborate and communicate with the team.

In short, remote work is not exclusive to working from home. Again, it’s working from anywhere, wherever that may be, as long as you get to do the work.

So, are remote and work-from-home the same?

No. Though they are often interchangeable, they don’t mean the same.

As mentioned, working from home is part of remote work. The main distinction is that remote workers can perform their daily tasks from anywhere, which means they don’t always have to be in their homes. Remote is not location-specific.

Ever heard the word “digital nomads”? They are remote workers who take their work on the road, traveling and working in tandem.

On the other hand, working from home is exactly what you think it is — Working. From. Home. However, it may have a condition that requires you to live in the same area that your company is in, so that you can attend occasional face-to-face meetings.

Which 3 Examples Qualify as Working Remotely?

Here are three examples of jobs that qualify as working remotely:

  • Content Creation

    One of the prime examples of remote work is content creation. Talented writers work with companies and individuals to create engaging blog posts, websites and social media content from the comforts of their homes or anywhere else, for that matter.

  • Online Tutoring

    With the crises brought by the pandemic, online tutoring became an educational lifeline for many. In fact, online tutoring companies became such a big hit that bookings saw an increase of up to 300%.

    This gave remote educators a bountiful opportunity to offer teaching services to a global audience and make a significant cash flow even within the confines of their home

  • Virtual Assistant Services

    Of course, this list would not be complete without virtual assistants. They are perhaps the quintessential example of working remotely.

    With the help of technology, virtual assistant services provide administrative support such as research, data entry and scheduling for clients around the globe in a seamless and efficient manner.

Why Entrepreneurs Who Are Always on the Move Should Hire Remote Workers

The new norm of remote work has begun. And hurray to that, because this flexible working arrangement allows companies and entrepreneurs to be productive anywhere. All you need is a working internet connection and the right skills to match your needs, and you get an affordable and accessible growth blasting system.

How is that possible?

It is indeed very possible because of the following reasons why you should delegate office tasks to remote workers :

  • Having a Pool of Multinational Talent…Anywhere, Anytime

    If you’re concerned about the depth and width of your talent pool, just like many organizations, don’t be. Hiring remote workers has no geographical bounds; you can tap expertise from all over the world, where talent is brewing and affordable.

    The odds are entirely in your favor with such an arrangement…why? Well, if you’re looking for a particular skill, by hiring worldwide, you can cast a much wider net and increase your chances of finding what you’re looking for.

    Giant companies like Google and Apple do it, so why shouldn’t you?

  • It’s Totally Cheap!

    This is a practical reason why you should choose to hire remote workers. Working with them means not paying for electricity, office equipment, cleaners, rent and all the other in-house office privileges.

    Obviously, having workers inside the office brings overhead and operation costs up. Remote workers are different, though; they are contractual workers who don’t enjoy compensation benefits and are paid per hour, half the price of a traditional office employee.

    Who does that? Remote workers.

  • You Can Keep Away from Stress and Bring Work-Life Balance to the Company.

    When you’re working in a typical office, it’s harder to create a line that separates work life and personal life. This can lead to stress and burnout.

    Working remotely, however, brings balance to personal life and work. You can take a break and get off your desk in the middle of the day without worrying.

    Here’s how stress and productivity work in a remote situation :

    Less stress equals higher productivity. Remote work provides a sense of control and freedom. These increase job satisfaction and eagerness to be more productive. Plus, more time for me-time and family time.

  • Remote Workers Work Harder.

    On a productivity mark, which one between remote workers or office workers is less distracted? Remote workers, and it’s not even close.

    You see, when you are in an office environment, you get a lot of traction from office noises, gossip, social media usage and whatnot. In a survey, 86% of workers claim that in order to hit maximum productivity, working alone is a requirement.

    Besides that, remote workers only get paid for the time they render service. If they don’t have an output to show at the end of their shift, they don’t get paid. So, it only makes sense that they work extra hard.

  • Remote Workers Are Hassle-Free.

    For many, remote work is a haven of flexibility. As an entrepreneur, you don’t have to establish an office around the world; hiring remote workers will do that for you and start operating right away.

    Since you have a spread-out team across different time zones, you can operate around the clock and improve your service. You can simply adjust the working hours and scale up or down without stressing about it.

Remote Workers are Never Going Away—Learn to Embrace it!

Now that you know why remote work is a must-have in the world of modern-day business, it’s time to embrace the truth—you need remote workers to bring towering heights of improvement to your company.

Seriously, it would be a real pity to never get a taste of those amazing benefits just because you’re terrified of delving into something new.

Working from anywhere is a move worth considering; contact a virtual assistant agency today and hire your very first virtual assistant.